The perfect synthesis between Italian art and design. Momenti is the expression of a path between entrepreneurship and art, which flows in the creation of furnishings for the home, as taught by the best tradition of Italian design. The passion for creativity and art is expressed from the very beginning with the creation of numerous modern designs. Momenti shows up in the international furniture and design market, with all its main features: aesthetic sensibility, art, technique, attention to detail, the quality of Made in Italy and international vision.
Momenti is an artistic design workshop that aims to customize spaces through exciting and fascinating furniture solutions: all the products of the Momenti collections are meant to coat any surface, be it a floor, a wall, or a furnishing element. Everything is strictly hand-made and each piece, from concept to production, remains in our territory, Romagna, reflecting the creativity and know-how of our historic manufacturing sector.
Momenti’s CRAZY PAPER textile is fireproof. It is homologated in class B s1, d0, installed according to covering procedures, with GAVADES special adhesive, on class A1/A2 surface or drywall. Momenti’s CRAZY PAPER textile hides the cracks. Exploiting glass fibers mechanical resistance, it offers an excellent protection against crackings and wall adjustment cracks, perfectly covering any surfaces. Momenti’s CRAZY PAPER textile is Water resistant. It cannot be damaged by crashes, rips, abrasions, detergents, disinfectants. Momenti’s CRAZY PAPER textile is eco-friendly and hygienic. Made with natural raw materials, it isn’t neither toxic nor contaminable by biological agents. Textile reticular structure allows the breathability of the wall. Momenti’s CRAZY PAPER textile is advantageous. It offers some undeniable maintenance and resistance advantages with extremely competitive costs.

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